
Dunfermline Justice

Collecting nuts on a Sunday? Put down a hole.
Slandering a neighbour? Locked in a limekiln.

“Wallowing in former filthieness and prophanitie”? Forehead branded with the town’s iron.


In October 1648, Janet Robertson was ordered to be cairtit and scourgit throu the toun and markit wi ane hote yron and so forth banished forth of the paroch. Dunfermline had a branding iron that spelt out “DUNF.REG” that was heated up and held against the right hand or above the brow. This let everyone know that you had been banished from the parish–anyone who helped you would be punished also.


Henderson, E. (ed.) (1865) Extracts from the Kirk-Session Records of Dunfermline: (from 1640-1689 inclusive). Fullarton and MacNab, Edinburgh. 82pp.