Pro tip from Badenoch: If you meet a ghost that won’t show its face, turn up one of your coat cuffs. It will be frozen, unable to disappear, and its identity will be made clear to you.

Pro tip from Badenoch: If you meet a ghost that won’t show its face, turn up one of your coat cuffs. It will be frozen, unable to disappear, and its identity will be made clear to you.
In Jan 1920, a “monster fungus” appeared on a wall in Fyvie Castle. Workmen removed the fungus and wall and found a woman’s skeleton. After, staff were plagued by noises and “a white ladye”. The castle’s laird had the bones dug up and placed back in the wall.
Dundee Courier. 15 January 1920. pg. 5.
Crossing the moor and links between Embo House and the sea, locals would see “spectral hosts” that would charge and repel each other. Many would not take the path near sunrise, when the apparitions, thought to be ghosts from the Battle of Embo, would appear.
After her car went off the road in Jan 1950, Miss E.F. Smith (55yo) and her dog walked home from Brechin to Letham. She claimed to have experienced a time-slip of 1265 years and walked onto the site of the Battle of Nechtanesmere and saw Picts and Saxons fight.
And because the details matter and I needed to know: The time-travelling dog was a miniature poodle.
Somebody write a screenplay, stat.
The story was covered in excellent detail by Richard MacLean Smith in his podcast “Unexplained” (link to that episode)
In 1718, Kinross manse was “troubled by spirits”. The minister’s boiled eggs had pins inside them, as did all meat in the house. His wife’s “unmentionables” were torn to shreds. All cutlery vanished. Stones flew down the lum and the bible flew into the fire.
Am Fear Liath Mòr (“The Big Grey Man”) has been seen and heard on Ben MacDhui since 1891. First written about by scientist and mountaineer J. Norman Collie in 1925, the tall ghostly spectre has caused many rational folk to sprint downhill in fear of their lives