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Lord “Geordie” Byron and the Banff pear tree

Banff was once home to Scotland’s largest pear tree. Nicknamed “Byron’s Pear” after “that wee deevil Geordie Byron” (age 8) fell out of it while stealing fruit from the manse garden. It was 42ft tall, 13ft around the trunk and the canopy was 150ft across.

Incidentally, Banff folk thought “Geordie Byron” was a little shit. He was known as “the English nickom” (wee devil). After a Miss Abercromby of Birkenbog complained to his mother about him, he headbutted her in the gut and said he’d throw her off a balcony (he was aged 7).

Disasters Rural Life

“Blown Down Trees Blown Up Again”

It must’ve been gey blowy out in Strathspey in December 1879…